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What are some tips to remember when creating my profile?
The number of replies you get from other members will depend greatly on the quality of your profile. Here are some helpful tips:
Upload a photograph: People like to see who they're writing to: profiles with photographs get up to ten times more clicks as profiles without them. You can upload a photo from a digital camera or a scanner. If you don't have access to a scanner, we can do if for you (for a nominal fee). See the "How do I upload photos?" section for details.
Create a catchy title for your profile: When members search listings on the site, the title of your profile is listed next to your name. As a general rule, profile titles like "Hi!" do not catch people's attention, where as more personalized titles do.
Think before you write: Feel free to write as much as you want in our essay portions of the sign-up pages. Tell other members about yourself: your likes and dislikes, things you enjoy doing, what line of work you're in, what your personality is like, even your hopes and dreams. The better your profile describes you, the more likely it is that others will read and respond to it. If you can't think of anything right away, you can always add more later. And don't forget to fill out the optional profile questions - these will also help other members get to know you even better.
I'm not getting my password or other emails from XXXCoupling!
How do I contact your Customer Service Department?
How do I submit a suggestion for improvement?